Thursday, November 24, 2011

Acrostic poem about atheletics

Athletics is the best sporting event in school!
The hardest activity I ever did was when I  tried to do the triple jump
High jump was kind of hard because I couldn’t do it
Lifting the shot put was so heavy                              
Every time I lost, I would  get mad                                
The most fun event was sprinting
I felt like ice cream
Coming to the end of the race, I almost came 3rd place
So much had been done by the end of the day.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Why does earth have day and night?

My partner and I have worked really hard to get this done. Our movie is about how earth has day and night. Sit back and I hope you like it and that you may learn alot from this movie.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Immersion Assembly

On the first day of term 4,room 13 went to immersion assembly. Our topic was Outta This World. This means that we have to learn about a lot of facts about planets.

To begin our immersion assembly Mr Burt told us a story about the hook from heaven,my favourite part of the story was when he tried To catch north island with the grandmas blood on the hook.

Our first item was team 1 and they did a clip -they did one movie about their focus which is here comes the sun ,it looked amazing when they were pretending to shiver. Next was team 2 and their focus was about different planets so they did a rap about it. They wore television helmets, gloves, glasses and black clothing.

Next was team 3 ,their focus was astronauts telling us about gravity and how to go to the toilet in space. Dancing on stage was team 4 and the did twinkle,twinkle,little star,They have worn wigs,tutus,pompoms and yellow stickers around them.
Finally our last item was team 5 they did their one on star wars. The clip was so funny when they had shown the characters ,my favorite character was Lando

This term means that I can do good work on my tasks. Learning about outta space is a really big thing that makes our work interesting.