Thursday, July 2, 2015

Tamaki College - Talk Back

This morning, our year 8's had the great privilege of listening to a few year 9 speakers from Tamaki College about what their school is like. They told us many facts about their school and even what its like on a typical day! The speakers that came were some of the  ex-Point England students who were either house-captains or prefects. One of my favorite things that they said, was about how they like to do P.E. every afternoon.  And if you didn't know, I love to do a lot of physical education! Following that, the speakers gave us a bit of advice for next year which were very thoughtful. Thank you to the small group that came, I hope you do come back t tell us a bit more. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Josephine. I too enjoyed what I heard. I think our ex-pupils represented Tamaki College very well. It was a great idea to have to share in person their experiences to date. I love the advice they gave. I hope that our students will remember the valuable pointers they gave today. Enjoy your break Josephine.
