Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My Goals For Sports!

My Goal for sports is to be alot more better and never give up at any time!
I will go to my trainings in the right place, right time with the right attitude.
I will do the things that my coach will say!
I must follow the rules wile playing a tournament or a normal game or a final game!
My goals must show that I have really done the best I can do for 2012!
This year I want to try out for netball like my sister and Touch too like my brother and sister!
Remember to try your goals and be the best at your goals!

REMEMEBER: Do your goals no matter what!!!!!!


  1. What an awesome goal Josephine! I know you will stick to it and achieve it!

    Keep up the good work!

    Miss Ouano.

    1. Thanks Miss ouano I will acheieve the best I can!!
